Keep the faith.

The 10 Commandments of CSO's


1.            Set a high intention.

               The higher the purpose, the more power in it and the more people respond to it. It’s easier to dream big than to dream small.   It gives you a powerful reason to get up in the morning.  Intention is different than wanting or wishing or hoping, it’s claiming, knowing that something is yours.  It can be a quiet but firm intention or, at times, an angry demand – your anger is part of your power.  To get to a higher intention, ask yourself, “Why is this important to me?” or “What value lies behind this value?”  Whatever answer you get, ask the question again.  Repeat until you feel you’ve gotten to something that rings true as your highest intention.



2.            Know it is already done.

               It IS already done in the mind of Spirit.  When you align with that point of view, you align with that power and the rest is inevitable.  When you see it as in the future, it will always stay in the future.  Hold the vision that it is done now. Why wait until the future to enjoy your success?  Feel the energy of it now.   You don’t need to know how it will show up.  Just have the intention and say yes and be open to the help and the messages that come and to your own abilities, confident in the ultimate outcome.  Don’t worry about how likely or unlikely it is.  Every winner is an unlikely winner – they make their own luck through their conviction and commitment to their vision.    “I knew I was a millionaire when I was sleeping on park benches.”  Miracles are just business as usual for Spirit. 


3.            Keep the faith.

               Hold the vision at least 3x/day, morning, mid-day and night. Don’t let what you see around you determine how you think or feel about your intention.  What you’re seeing now is just the result of your previous thinking, so don’t steer your boat by the wake you’re leaving behind you.  Don’t worry about lapses into doubt or negativity, because one high thought counterbalances 100  low ones.  Walk by faith and not by sight, until the world matches your vision. “Who you gonna believe, Me or your own eyes?”  Change will come first inside you, and then in the world, so look for and celebrate the inner change.  Give yourself a powerful reminder – the actor Jim Carrey kept a $10 MM check to himself in his wallet for years before he succeeded.


4.            Feed the right wolf. 

               What you focus on grows in your experience and the universe gives you more of it.  Are you focusing on what you lack, or on what you are affirming as your present good? Whichever one you focus on, you will prove yourself right about.  When there are setbacks, focus on the lessons learned, not the losses, and move on.  So many successful people talk about a major setback in their lives as “the best thing that ever happened to them.”   Make your losses into gifts.


5.            Harness the power of gratitude and appreciation.

               It is a powerful way to let yourself and the universe know that your good is here now, and the universe will agree with you, as it always does, and give you more to be grateful for.  Appreciate those around you, and yourself in the same way, and those around you will respond to your appreciation and show more of what you’re appreciating.  Your appreciation can be silent or spoken – what’s important is the way of seeing, not the communication.


6.            See the best in everyone, starting with yourself.

               If we bear witness to the highest truth about ourselves and others – even when it’s not apparent --  we call it forth and give it permission to show up.  Everyone has the full capacity of Spirit and so no one is inferior to us and no one superior in their potential.  You can walk into any room with your head high, knowing all things are possible for you.  Even when someone is letting you down and you are appropriately responding and protecting yourself, you can hold vigil for the highest in them and leave them the space and the grace to one day change their ways and make amends.  It changes the cycle of judgment - causing resentment for judgment and acting out - causing further judgment, when you are able to leave the door open a crack for something better happening.


7.            Ask powerful questions.

               Suspend judgment, don’t be so quick to know.  Sometimes our judgments of what is good and right are the ones that hold us back the most.  “How does it get any better than this?”   “What evolutionary idea is seeking to emerge as me/in this situation?”  “What else is possible?”   “How can I use this to my betterment?”  “What qualities am I being called on to bring forth here?”  Don’t be so quick to answer those questions, either – let the universe bring you the answers.  The Bible says “Ask, and ye shall receive” – not ask, figure out an answer, and receive.


8.            Activate the Law of Circulation.

               Rev. Michael says, “You get to keep what you give away, and you can only give what you already have.”  If you want more, give more – to yourself as well as to others.  When you move from mediocrity to excellence, when you choose to make your work an expression of your greatness, when you honor yourself and others as worthy of greatness, you will receive greatness and excellence in return – and you will find that you always had that greatness in you.  Little shifts to excellence in small things work as well as big shifts.  Why? Because everything is connected.  How you do anything is how you do everything – and how you receive everything.  You can’t receive a phenomenal life if you aren’t granting it to yourself and others. 


9.            Be the change you wish to see.

               Instead of walking into a room hoping someone or something will change, bring the change with you, in you, and let everyone else catch on.  The universe can only give to you at the level you’re at.  Are you being a little person, so that the universe can only embrace you on its knees, or are you standing tall?  Being comes before doing, which comes before having. So first, be.  Be everything you’ve been trying to get to by doing and having.


10.         Let Spirit be your source of venture capital.

               From the spiritual point of view, the universe is on our side, so no one and nothing can be against us.  The source of your good is never in things or people, but within you, from the Spirit that makes you up.  We think conditions make us happy – but have you ever felt happy by mistake, and later learned that what you thought made you happy wasn’t true?  Since the condition wasn’t real, where did the happiness come from?  It must have come from you.  .   


11.         (Bonus Commandment) Be in your right mind.

               “You can’t solve a problem with the mind that created it.”  If your thoughts are making you feel bad, your thoughts are lies.  If setbacks continually recur, there is a lie you are believing that is calling out to be revealed and released.  Locate and uncreate limiting beliefs.  If you identify yourself as your emotions, your thoughts, your lack and limitation, you are identifying with a false self.  You are the one who HAS those thoughts and feelings, you are not the thoughts and feelings.  You are far vaster than them and they can never touch the fullness and infinite potential of who you are.  When you come from your true self, everything looks different and everyone responds differently to you.  

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David K. Miller, ALSP, MFA 1808 Monterey Road
South Pasadena, CA